Submitted on 18-06-2015

Company Name:Daigon ltd
Transport requirement:Pallet Transport
Pick up Postcode69,100 po box 227
Delivery Postcode/Locationclonmany Co Donegal Ireland
Date of pick up05/07/2015
Time of Pickup3pm
Weight(kg)3 pallets 1 150kg 1 40kg 1 256kg
Capacity(m3)3.52 total
Length (m)2 pallets 1.2 by 0.8 1 pallet 4 by 0.3
Height(m)1 by 0.3 1 by 1.0 1 by 2.3
Transport DetailsThis material is all plastic piping systems stacked onpalets for delivery direct to company in Donegal Ireland, this will be an on going arrangment
Hazardous DetailsThere is no Hazardous material