Submitted on 26-10-2012

Company Name:ZopUKBGNKUOA
Transport requirement:Car Transportation
Pick up Postcode:PtwkHTljEjjxjRv
Delivery Postcode/Location:oFeCJUZP
Date of pick upxGZULbOhyPLfivhvq
Time of PickupuRUAugkqooWNMzjOJQr
Length (m)GZwdLQzIvDMkuUzjwVG
Transport Details:I am preparing a data base coaniitnng details of all groups in Leeds with an interest in conservation for the Civic Trust. I sent a questionnaire a few months ago to Mr Guest at 17 Church Street but did not get any reply. Could you please let me know if he is still the contact person for the Society.
Hazardous DetailsI am preparing a data base coaniitnng details of all groups in Leeds with an interest in conservation for the Civic Trust. I sent a questionnaire a few months ago to Mr Guest at 17 Church Street but did not get any reply. Could you please let me know if he is still the contact person for the Society.