Submitted on 26-10-2012

Transport requirement:Tipping/Aggregate Trailers
Company Name:vIfnRbhP
Pick up Postcode:XxhtgaFfYaw
Delivery Postcode/Location:zcjpmibAsJPLOF
Date of pick upTbZNjrlkpZngQVfkprf
Time of PickupRYsvslCAnojYaAbHWhi
Length (m)zWhCYKizrDpDSfoVy
Transport Details:There were other maps, but probably not ofiacfil ones, shown when the announcement was made. I remember being impressed with how insane it would be to imagine The Pioneer reincarnated as a high-speed train.Yesterday, however, I searched high and low. Bad news- no definitive map. Good news- several regional organizations with good maps showing likely corridors. A search on returns nothing for high-speed rail .To be continued
Hazardous DetailsThere were other maps, but probably not ofiacfil ones, shown when the announcement was made. I remember being impressed with how insane it would be to imagine The Pioneer reincarnated as a high-speed train.Yesterday, however, I searched high and low. Bad news- no definitive map. Good news- several regional organizations with good maps showing likely corridors. A search on returns nothing for high-speed rail .To be continued